Learn By Doing
Our retreats and programs go beyond good teaching. When you join us, you will be invited to enter into experiences to discover or deepen your spiritual practice—and bring it into your daily life.
Registration is now open
Order of the Sacred Earth
Calling all lovers of the Earth to join in community and enter into a two-part book study and conversation around what we are personally called to support and defend our sacred Earth.
What does it mean to take the vow: I promise to be the best lover and defender of the Earth that I can be?
As we become informed through the book, we are open to making this a regular gathering in which we seek out ways we as a group can make a difference in our community.
Facilitated by: Sue DiVita
Wednesday, April 9 - discuss Part I
Wednesday, April 23 - discuss Part II
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Mercy Spirituality Center
Fee: $40 and includes a copy of the book.
#Since both sessions require advanced reading, we ask that you register by March 25th, and you will be able to pick up your book a few days after that.
* Membership eligible program.
Walking in Prayer: Faith Journeys - What is Yours?
Each season we will gather at Mercy Spirituality Center, and we will begin with a session centered around "Faith Journeys" and the idea of 'what is your faith calling you to'? We will also be discussing our own faith journeys and journaling.
We may stay on our campus and other times we may walk to Highland Park or Mt. Hope Cemetery. This program will begin in the spring and meet in the summer, fall, and winter.
Come prepared to walk and prepared for the weather. We will be in the elements for about one hour. We will walk for approximately 40 minutes and then we'll journal.
Facilitators: Allison Murphy and Mary Cioppa
Dates: seasonally, first Friday of the month
Friday, April 4
Friday, June 6
Friday, August 1
Friday, October 3
Time (two options): 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Mercy Spirituality Center
Fee: $20 per session
* Membership eligible program
Where Two or More Are Gathered
When two or more of us are gathered in his name, Jesus is there among us. We know prayer works, and when we pray God will give us what we need.
We will gather monthly via Zoom and pray collectively for a group or petition in which our world needs prayers.
Facilitated by: MSC Team
Date: third Tuesday of each month:
April 15,
May 20, June 17,
July 15, August 19,
September 16, October 21,
November 18, December 16
Time: 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Place: Zoom
Cost: FREE!
Centering Prayer
Join us this fall for our centering prayer group. If you are unfamiliar with centering prayer, it is a contemplative form of Christian prayer, designed to center awareness on the presence of God.
Prayer begins with a reading by Thomas Keating, followed by a 20-minute quiet and seated contemplation. This is followed by walking and then another 20 minutes of seated contemplation. Prayer ends this hour long gathering.
Dates: Second Tuesday of each month except for July and August
April 8, May 13, June 10
Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Location: MSC
Facilitator: Mary Coughtry
Suggestion donation: $10 per session
* Membership eligible program
Day To Call Your Own
Come and enjoy a day to yourself in your own, private, comfortable room at Mercy Spirituality Center. You will be able to pray, contemplate, read and relax without being disturbed. A simple lunch of soup and bread is included. Morning prayer is optional.
Facilitator: Sr. Gert Erb, RSM
Dates: 2nd Thursday of each month:
April 10, May 8, June 12
Saturday Date: March 29
Time: 9:00 am-4:00 pm; 9:30 am: Morning Prayer (optional)
Fee: $25
* Membership eligible program
Men's Spirituality Group
The second half of our year, February-May, Harry will lead us in a study of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
Our planning team has expanded: we welcome Mike Salamone, joining Ed and Harry.
Coordinated by: Ed Redmond, Rev. Harry Heintz, and Michael Salamone
Dates: Third Saturday of the month:
April 19
May 17
Location: MSC
Time: 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $15 per individual session
* Membership eligible program
The Twelve
What do we truly know about those who were closest to Jesus? This series takes a deep dive into the lives of the Apostles, as men, as professionals, and as followers of Christ. What were their lives like before joining Jesus in his public life? What happened to them after the Ascension? Were they martyrs? Did they die of old age? Join us for this most enlightening discovery. Each session will focus on a different disciple.
Date: second Monday of the month
April 14, May 12,
June 9, July 14,
August 11, September 8,
October 13, November 10,
December 8
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Location: Mercy Spirituality Center
Facilitator: Allison Murphy
Fee: $25 per session or $250 for the series
* Membership eligible program
Writing Pysanky
The art of writing pysanky encompasses meaning-filled symbols and colors to decorate eggshells in celebration of the resurrection of our Lord. The art predates Christianity in the region where it was invented (Eastern Europe, most notably Ukraine), the symbols are layered with Christian meaning.
This four-session workshop will introduce you to this ancient art and give you an opportunity to learn about the history, symbols, and colors. Using wax and dyes, you will decorate an egg that is pre-drawn step-by-step as a class (each person doing the same steps on individual eggs). You will also get to design and create another egg using symbols and colors you find meaningful.
All materials are provided, refreshments and cookies offered, and information to purchase materials beyond the four sessions will be available.
Facilitator: Pastor Twyla Boyer
Dates: Thursdays during Lent
March 27,
April 3, April 10
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Mercy Spirituality Center
Fee: $80 (all supplies included)
* Membership eligible program
Heavenly Virtues
The "Seven Heavenly Virtues" exist to counter the "Seven Deadly Sins."
These heavenly virtues were named by Pope Gregory I in the 6th century and elaborated on by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century.
Each month we will gather to learn about one of these virtues and how that virtue can be used to overcome the corresponding sin.
Facilitator: Allison Murphy
Dates: third Wednesday of the month from March to September
April 16,
May 21, June 18,
July 16, August 20, September 17
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Mercy Spirituality Center
Fee: $20 per session
* Membership eligible program
Forest Bathing Retreats
Engage your senses and mind with a Forest Bathing Retreat.
You will be introduced to the to the practice of forest bathing, followed by a mindful and sensory meditation to settle in.
Interact with nature both outside and inside in varying ways using the senses and mindfulness.
This is a quiet, calming experience that opens our hearts to the relationship we have with all of God's creations.
Facilitator: Nancy Weise
Dates: Saturdays: May 17 and May 31
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (bring bagged lunch)
Location: Mercy Spirituality Center
Fee: $40 per session or $65 for both
#There are two unique sessions offered. Activities will be different, and each retreat will be independent of the other. You can attend one or both dates
* Membership eligible program
Ignatian Spirituality
Exercises of St. Ignatius In All Of Its Forms
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius in all of its forms, create an awareness of God in all things—all people, all creation, every human experience, and especially in the person of Jesus. We offer a model of the Spiritual Exercises designed by St. Ignatius for use in daily life which takes place over 30 weeks, rather than 30 days. This program is currently being offered virtually.